Sunday, February 14, 2010

A happy Tet [Because I promised a friend not to write a sad entry this time]

A happy Tet is when you feel foreign in your own home.

A happy Tet is when you try to stop your tears from coming down in front of your aunt and her family because you do not want them to know that you envy their happiness.

A happy Tet is when your grandma and your mom yell at each other on the day of the New Year’s Eve. And things might even get worse the next day.

A happy Tet is when you realize that someone you care about just simply don’t have time to care about you. Oh, and this New Year’s Day happens to be St. Valentine’s Day by the way.

A happy Tet is when you sit alone in your boring room, blogging about how happy you are while people are cheerfully out on the street watching fireworks.

A happy Tet is when instead of your family or friends, you say cheers to your painkillers on New Year's Eve, because without them you will not be able to fall asleep.

A happy Tet is when you know that it might just be your last Tet on earth.


  1. A sad person is the one who did not tell her friend to check in hospital 2 years ago because she did not want to upset her friend. A sad person is the one who looses faith in human being! A sad person is the one who knows she could do it but does not want to do anything because she might loose faith in life! A sad person is the one who knows someone who really cares for her but does not want to meet him because she is tired of love and the thought of living with someone to the rest of her life. A sad person is the one who looked at fireworks and thinks it's a waste of money. A sad person is the one who did not want to say cheers to her family and went to bed early because she felt sleepy all the times without any obvious reason. A really sad person is the one who thinks to live is to suffer but she chooses suffering because one person once taught her how precious life is! Cheers to our pains!

  2. Sorry we're not there for you Hoa. I'm sorry the amazing fabulous you have to spend V day alone. This world sucks. I don't believe in Karma neither - you don't deserve this pain. I wish your family was not broken up at this time. But we are still here for you, ok? We will write and call more often. And you have to be strong too - for yourself and for those who still care about you. Please be strong, please.

    Have new year Hoa. Don't give up yet - this is your year. I dedicate this year to you.

  3. Dear Hoa, you have been through so much hard times but you have done so well so far. I am amazed how strong you are. When I see you smile, even when you are in pain, I see that happiness is something that we all have deep inside. Pain may cause suffering but may not take your happiness away. It takes so much courage and strength to be able to smile when you are in such pain but you are able to surpass it: you are one amazingly strong and courageous woman! We will try and come and see you more often to give you more support, courage and strength. Love, Sylvia
